Academic Interview: Christoph Krauss on Cyber Security
Cyber Security threats from an academic perspective
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Auto IQ speaks with Christoph Krauss, Professor and Head of Automotive Security Research, Darmstadt University to gain insight into his academic findings on cyber security research. In this downloadable interview we ask Christoph more on the threats, as well as finding out what his presentation at Automotive Cybersecurity Europe 2022 will focus on.
Read your copy of the insightful whitepaper Integrating Privacy into the Electric Vehicle Charging Architecture, written by Christoph, alongside Dustin Kern and Timm Lauser. Links to the whitepaper can be found throughout the interview.
More electric vehicles throughout Europe requires more widespread availability of electric vehicle charging and charge points – this leads to threats in cyber security and creates data vulnerabilities, which will only increase in a post-quantum computing world.
Academic research is key to preventing threats and resolving issues, so we look forward to welcoming Christoph at Automotive Cybersecurity Europe 2022, Munich, Germany, 29 November - 01 December, 2022.