COVID 19 Policy

IQPC - Covid-19 Directive - 3G

IQPC takes the health and safety of its employees, as well as its customers and guests, seriously. We will continue to monitor case numbers and regulatory advisories in advance of the event and will inform all attendees of any changes to these guidelines. Currently, the event is expected to take place under 3G guidelines.

Therefore, in order to be admitted to the event, participants must:

• Provide proof of valid double vaccination (max. 90 days old) or convalescent ID (max. 90 days old) (EU vaccination passport / QR code and US equivalent).

• If the double vaccination or convalescent is more than 90 days old, a recent negative test must be presented and must be valid for the entire conference day. Since rapid tests are valid for 24 hours, the test must be repeated for each conference day. Or a negative PCR test valid for 48hrs.

• Proof of valid double vaccination and booster vaccination.

• A medical certificate proving that the participant cannot be vaccinated due to health risks and an official negative test as described above.

• Non-vaccinated participants must provide a valid negative test that is valid for the entire period of the conference (see above)

• Participants will not be admitted to the event without one of these proofs.

Hygiene concept:

• We continue to instruct all guests, hotel staff, as well as IQPC staff to wear FFP2 masks at the event.

• As per general guidelines, we ask everyone to refrain from shaking hands.

• Hand sanitizer to be available throughout the event.

• The venue will provide regular cleaning of the event areas.

• We ask all event attendees to check themselves for symptoms of illness before entering the event. If you have possible symptoms of Covid-19, we ask that you do not enter the event.

• Instead, contact the venue or IQPC staff by phone so we can ensure you receive any necessary assistance.

• Attendees should follow the instructions of IQPC event staff or the hotel at all times to ensure the safety and comfort of all event participants.

Our guidelines have been developed to comply with EU, German and country requirements regarding the Covid 19 pandemic. However, we also rely on the good judgment and professionalism of our participants to conduct themselves responsibly during the event. Although the above guidance is intended as general guidelines for the event, IQPC reserves the right to change these guidelines as new governmental guidelines, rules and advisories for events occur on site.