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Exclusive Report: How New Tech will Help You Keep Your Eyes on The Road!
Automakers are trying to stay relevant to car buyers whose lives are increasingly centered on their smartphones and other mobile devices, all the while automotive suppliers are working on ways to reduce distraction that look beyond infotainment controls. Find out how new tech will help you keep your eyes on the road in this exclusive report.
HMI Display Technology Trends
IHS Automotive predicts that the display component market will reach $18.6 billion by 2021, which will give new players the opportunity to jump into the supply chain.
Brian Rhodes, Analyst HMI & Usability at IHS, shares his presentation on the trends in HMI components for automotive displays, including CSDs, Touchscreen, Instrument Cluster Displays, HUDs, and Augmented Reality. Download the presentation to find out the key takeaways, pros and cons of current HMI trends, and how the new automotive user experience and fierce competition from the consumer electronics market will lead to a major shift in the industry.
Subject to change: What will the interface of the future look like?
This thinkpiece by automotive industry expert and editor at Automotive IQ, Franziska Scheu, examines the requirements consumers have for their connected vehicle interfaces and how these can be realized with further investment in existing technologies.
What technologies will be developed or optimized? Which ones will prove to be an indulgent pursuit of sci-fi fans? Find out more about how existing innovations can be used as solutions for a robust and intuitive automotive interface by downloading the article.
Interview with Google's Golden Krishna
In the lead-up to the 4th Annual Cockpit HMI conference, Automotive IQ sat down with presenter Golden Krishna to discuss his work on Google's design strategy to shape the future of Android, trends in interface design, the challenges of going screenless, and how we can build a technologically advances world without digital interfaces.
Download the interview to find out what makes for great UX!
HMI 2.0 requirements for successful implementation of next-gen ADAS functions
Human Factors Design Assistance for DVI
Content overview:
- Analyzing the safety problem
- Reviewing NHTSA's approach to distraction
- Overarching goals of HFCV program
- Objectives and content of DVI Design Assistance
- Development process and conceptual framework
- Examples and topics of DVI Design Assistance
- Update on Driver Distraction Guidelines